First biometric card costumer delivery
Upgrade available of next generation enhanced fingerprint scanner
Expansion of investors' group.
First mass production of Bridge card for customer
Dual track dynamic magnetic stripe card release
First costumer contract of biometric card
Dual Dymnamic magstripe card hits market
CardLab RFID secure access card passes market test as the only one out 28 cards.
Client development of RFID secure access card
First client development of NFC Bridge card
Production of CardLab first biometric card.
CardLab was the first company to mass produce powered cards by producing 250.000 gift cards with embedded LED lights.
Bank of America purchases exclusivity for one year
First and second biometric card proof of concept
Incorporation of Card_Lab ApS with Vecata as external investor
The idea of a biometric credit card sees first light in Scandinavian Ecotechnologies